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David Blunkett - Working with Local People

The people of Sheffield Brightside have done me the honour of electing me as their MP since 1987. Now I am hoping that the voters of the new, expanded Brightside and Hillsborough constituency will send me back to Westminster, where I can continue to make your voice heard. Whether on local issues, fighting for resources and fairness for and within our area, or representing the interests of the city that I love, it is my intention to use my experience and knowledge of Parliament to the benefit of everyone in this community. My task is always to make a difference — anc what a difference has already been made! Schools across the north of Sheffield have been transformed. We have new Sixth Form Colleges at Hillsborough and Longley Park. More youngsters are going on to university.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 29 Apr, 2010
Yorkshire and the Humber
Published by
Labour Party

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