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Fixing our Broken Economy

Sheffield city centre has one of the highest proportion of empty shops in the UK. We have been hit hard by a recession which Gordon Brown claimed we would never face, We need to address the situation. We need to do it now and we have laid out our eight benchmarks to do so. Top of the list is reducing our budget deficit. It will be 13% this year— twice the amount that it was when Denis Healey went begging to the International Monetary Fund in the 70s. If we want to secure British jobs and our economy then we have to show that we are addressing its inherent problems. First and foremost is the debt. Only the Conservatives are committed to reducing the £167,000,000,000 budget deficit this year. Only the Conservatives will start to address the UK's debt. Only the Conservatives will restore international confidence.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 29 Apr, 2010
Yorkshire and the Humber
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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