UKIP, Plymouth

UKIP have commonsense policies built on Freedom, Independence and Democracy. We all feel we're paying too much tax, but most of us fear that tax cuts could lead to cuts in services like police, schools and hospitals. Our government has pumped more money into NHS, but extra bureaucracy and waste drains that money away. Our government doesn't even know the true level of UK immigration, thanks to the lack of proper border controls. Serious criminals are rarely deported after serving their sentences. UK democracy just isn't working properly. Crime in the UK is out of control. Law-abiding citizens fear for their safety and criminals are released early or on bail to commimt more crimes. Education should be about ensuring excellence, giving our children the best possible start in life. But today's education system downplays merit, prioritises government interference and ignores issues like bullying and lack of quality schools. Defence is the primary duty of government. Our roads, trains and airspace are overcrowded. Public transport and roads need improvement. Obsession with carbon emissions hinders sensible measures to protect our environment and the building of much needed power plants. We should invest in technology to make cares more efficient and cut fuel emissions.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Friday, 23 Apr, 2010
- Region
- South West
- Published by
- UK Independence Party (UKIP)
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