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City Centre Circular

Clr Colin Rosenstiel will be on your ballot paper as LibDem Candidate on 22May.Since he was nominated the Lib Dem local party suspended Colin because of his failure to notify us of a charge he was facing in the Mags's Court.His case has yet to be heard &we understand he intends to prove his innocence&he remains innocent until proven guilty. Colin has been a stalwart campaigner and clr for the city centre over many years.It is open to residents to vote for Colin but we needed you to know of this situation.

Promoter and Publisher details

S A Hill on behalf of City Centre Liberal Democrats at 16 Signet Court, Swann's Road, Cambridge CB5 8LA, and I Homer on behalf of Liberal Democrats at Orwell House, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0PP.

Leaflet details

Friday, 16 May, 2014
East of England
Published by
Liberal Democrats

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