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the local choice for St Margaret's Division

  1. We will continue to deliver value for money protecting the services that you value.
  2. We will give children the education they need to fulfil their potential.
  3. We will invest £70m in our transport network.
  4. We will protect our green spaces.
  5. We will reduce the cost of loca government by reducing the number of councillors.
  6. We will deliver Superfast Broadband to 90% of the country by 2015.

Promoter and Publisher details

Promoted by Matthew Barber on behalf of Oxfordshire Conservatives, both of 8 Gorwell, Watlington, OX49 5QE and Vernon Porter of 67 Cunliffe Close, Oxford, OX2 7BJ. Printed by Banbury Litho Ltd., Unit 1 Vantage Business Park, Wykham Mill, Bloxham Road, Bloxham, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9UX.

Leaflet details

Wednesday, 01 May, 2013
South East
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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