Thank You! - from Sabir Mirza
Thank you letter from Sabir Mirza, Labour candidate in St Mary's Ward in Oxford City Council elections, 3 May 2012. He came 2nd with 509 votes (42%). "Even though I was of course disappointed to lose, the result was a huge increase in Labour's vote in the ward... Our Labour team will keep working hard for the area, doing all we can to defend local people from the Lib Dem/Tory government cuts and to work through the local councils to get the best possible services and quality of life for people in the area."
Promoter and Publisher details
Printed by Oxford and District Labour party. Promoted by Emma Bausch on behalf of Sabir Mirza. At Unit A, Bishops Mews, Transport Way, Oxford, OX4 6HD
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Sunday, 24 Jun, 2012
- Region
- South East
- Published by
- Labour Party
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