Sabir Mirza - Your local Labour candidate in St Mary's
If elected I will...
- Work hard for our area all year round, not just at election time.
- Stand up to bad landlords who let their tenants and the community down, while ensuring good landlords are not penalised.
- Support local businesses, keeping our area special.
- Back Labour plans to invest in higher standards in local schools and more activities for young people.
- Improve cycling provision, while ensuring that safety rules are followed, and cycling on pavements prevented.
Promoter and Publisher details
Printed by Oxford and District Labour Party and promoted by Emma Bausch on behalf of your local Labour Councillors and candidates. All at Unit A, Bishops Mews, Transport Way, Oxford, OX4 6HD
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Friday, 30 Mar, 2012
- Region
- South East
- Published by
- Labour Party
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