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Damien Tunnacliffe and the Lib Dems

We called to see you today

3 things to remember: 1. The Lib Dems on the City Council are an award-winning group. Just recently they were awarded joint-greenest in the country! 2. Lib Dems in Cambridge are fighting to save our local buses and library services. 3. Lib Dems are standing up for those who need it most in these difficult times. We have recently invested in services that help the vulnerable.

Promoter and Publisher details

Published and promoted by L W Richards on behalf of Damien Tunnacliffe (Liberal Democrats), and printed by Glisson Printers, all of 16 Signet Court, Cambridge, CB5 8LA.

Leaflet details

Friday, 13 May, 2011
East of England
Published by
Liberal Democrats

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