I passionately believe in what we're doing south of the border...
"...if it's a rough ride, it's worth it." Attributed to a generic local Lib Dem candidate - although the fuzzy picture of a candidate alongside Nick Clegg closely resembles Alex Cole-Hamilton, who is the local Lib Dem candidate. Comparison of past events under Lib Dem (VAT, schools, care, bus fares, disabled parking, rubbish, garden aid) to Labour policies (jobs, no separation, council tax, literacy, cancer waits, experienced MSP).
Promoter and Publisher details
Promoted by Andrew Burns on behalf of Sarah Boyack both at 32 Cowan Road, Edinburgh, EH11 1RH.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Wednesday, 04 May, 2011
- Region
- Scotland
- Published by
- Labour Party
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