I think a lot of people feel very let down by the Lib Dems...
"...Labour is more in touch with people my age." Scottish Labour leader, Iain Gray. Highly personalised, for example "... many people on [my street] say they are voting Labour this time." Delivered to a 30-something. Includes pledges. Example of the third (neo-presidential) tier in Scottish parliamentary elections - neither explicitly campaigning for a named constituency or list MSP, but instead focused on a party leader.
Promoter and Publisher details
Promoted by Colin Smyth, Scottish General Secretary, on behalf of the Scottish Labour Party, both at John Smith House, 145 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 4RE.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Wednesday, 04 May, 2011
- Region
- Scotland
- Published by
- Labour Party
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