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CHARLIE ELPHICKE Member of Parliament for Dover & Deal

Vote to sve our green fields, get a proper hospital and a council tax freeze at: Cleary Hall, Landmark Centre, 129 Hight Street, Deal Between 7AM-10PM Thursday 5th May

Nearly year ago, I was elected to serve as your Member of Parliament. I was elected after a decade of Buckland hospital being decimated, Deal's rail services shunted into the sidings, Sholden under threat from the bulldozers, and the nation on the brink of the humilation of a bail-out.

Promoter and Publisher details

Promoted by Robet Nodding on behalf of Charlie Elphicke MP and the Conservative Party, both of DDCA 54 The Strand, Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7DP

Leaflet details

Tuesday, 03 May, 2011
South East
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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