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Your guide to voting 'NO' in the referendum

David Cameron: Why I am voting 'No'

Why can't everything be as simple as First Past The Post? The systems explained

What you need to know about the Alternative Vote: is unfair, doesn't work, is expensive, no-one wants it, won't fix broken politics

2.5 billion people can't be wrong

"AV is an unfair, expensive and discredited system, that allows candidates who finish third to win elections."

Some myths about the Alternative Vote

Promoter and Publisher details

Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 30 Millbank, London SW1 4DP. Printed by BMC, Lexicon House, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 8XP.

Leaflet details

Saturday, 30 Apr, 2011
East of England
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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