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Tory Cuts Fall on Our City

Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been forced to make large reductions in it's spending after the funding it receives was brutally slashed by the Tory-lib Dem Government. Most of the money-Which pays for council runnlng costs and services comes from a grant from Central Government. With Labour there was Cl huge investment in Council services, but following cuts announced by the Tory-leo Government, Stoke-on- Trent City Council faced a £36 million shortfall. The brutal cuts sadly mean the closure of Tunstall Pool, Shelton Pool, Burslern and Fenton Libraries and a reduction in Bus Subsidies, along with other measures . ...T.he council will also lose many of it's dedicated staff through having to reduce it's worktorce, Labour's Melanie Clark said: "This is probably one of the most difficult times for OUt City. Labour has done it's best to minimise the damage to stoke-on- Trent, but cuts to well-loved services have had to happen because of harsh reductions in Government funding, David Carneron says we're all in this together ~why then have councils in deprived areas like Stoke-on- Trent been hit twice as hard as rich Tory-run councils in the South?" Despite this unfair treatment by the Tory led Government, local Labour Councillors fought hard and were able to save services for the most vulnerable people including: • JET projects to help the unemployed back into work • All of the Surestart Childrens' Centres • Stoke Speaks Out • Respite care for families with disabled children

Leaflet details

Monday, 28 Mar, 2011
West Midlands
Published by
Labour Party

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