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In Touch: News from Neil King, Conservative Mayoral Candidate

Neil's Ten Pledges For His First Ten Days

  1. Ensure local residents get a real say on planning and are able to stand up to strip clubs and chicken shops [...]

  2. Meet with the Police Borough Commander [...]

  3. Shut Down East End Life [...]

  4. Meet with a Cabinet Minister to discuss the challenges facing our BOrough [...]

  5. Set out a timetable for the council to leave Anchorage House [...]

  6. Put any council expenditure above £500 on the internet for all to see [...]

  7. Send independent auditors into the Housing department [...]

  8. Scrap Labour's plans to double the population of some wards and build on our green spaces [...]

  9. Freeze all council advertising campaigns [...]

  10. Arrange the first public Mayoral question time [...]

Leaflet details

Thursday, 14 Oct, 2010
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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