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George Kerevan - Who will stand up for you after the election?

"My name is George Kerevan. I am the SNP candidate for your constituency, Edinburgh East- my home for the past 30 years. My message is simple: I will stand up for you, Edinburgh and Scotland no matter who forms the next government in London, whether it is tired Labour that wrecked the economy, or Cameron's Conservatives, who care little about Scotland. As long as Westminster controls pensions, taxes and making war, voters in Edinburgh East need an independent-minded MP to tight their corner - no matter who is in power. Only a strong group of SNP MPs at Westminster can make a London government listen to Scotland in a time of savage spending cuts. MY PROMISES: • I will keep my main home always in the constituency and publish all my accounts and expenses for you to see. • I will oppose cuts in university spending. • I will hold a PeopIes’ Parliament in the constituency three times a year to report personally to every voter who wishes to attend. ’ • I will fight forbetterpensions ratherthan f.abour’s new Trident nuclear missiles. · Yours Qeenqe Zmmn, George Kerevan, SNP Westminster candidate for Edinburgh East PS Due to recent boundary changes you are now in Edinburgh East Constituency. GEORGE KEREVAN ...... * is a campaigning journalist who writes for The Scotsman * was local councillor for Portobello and Joppa and dealt with benefit issues, housing problems and anti-social behaviour * was a university teacher of economics * ran his own successful small business in Leith * chaired the Edinburgh Tourist Board and sat on the Edinburgh Festival Council@

Leaflet details

Friday, 14 May, 2010
Published by
Scottish National Party (SNP)

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