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All across Walthamstow people like us are deciding to vote for Stella on Thursday to become our next local MP

Not one of these people is a member of a political party. Every one of them wants Stella to be Walthamstow's next MP. Some numbers for you to think about on May 6th

10,000 the number of local families who get the child tax credit which both the Tories and Lib Dems would cut 8,000 the number of children here who have child trust funds a scheme Lib Dems would abolish 13 the number of years Stella has been an active community campaigner here, helping fight for our dog track and our cinema, supporting our homeless nightshelter, raising money for community groups and running activities for young people 5 the number of minutes it takes to vote on the day - call our hotline if you need help finding yoiur polling station on 02085206586 3 the number Stella is on the ballot paper - just look for the Labour Rose 2 the number of major new =health centres at Comely Bank and Wood Street — with more to come under Labour in the future

Leaflet details

Tuesday, 11 May, 2010
Published by
Labour Party

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