We're voting for Emily Thornberry
Vote for Labour's Emily Thornberry here in Islington on May 6th. ... [photos] ... [letter] Dear Neighbour
I was elected as your MP in 2005 and I'm proud to serve the people of Islington & South Finsbury. I've helped over 20,000 people... I'm a strong and independent voice... I'm fighting for our local services... I've been called squeeky clean on expenses... I'm asking you for your support next week...
Best wishes Emily Thornberry Labour's MP Candidate. ... Labour in government means: * World class health care * All secondary schools in Islington South being rebuilt. * Working tax credits... * Freedom pass... * Safer Neighbourhood police in every area ... The Tories are a real threat...
The only way to say no to a Tory Government is to re-elect Labour's Emily Thornberry as your MP.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Wednesday, 05 May, 2010
- Region
- London
- Published by
- Labour Party
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