Ready for Change!
Bridget Fox’s Lib Dems set for amazing win
Bridget Fox is set to become our new local MP on Thursday, but every vote will be crucial. Bridget holds a narrow lead over the Labour MP who has let Islington down again and again.
The Conservatives are well out of the running in a poor third place. They cannot win here.
With Bridget Fox as our local MP, and local Lib Dems on the Council, people will have hard-working local champions who will deliver real change for us.
With Labour facing defeat here, local people are on their guard for last minute Labour smears.
Lib Dem campaigner Farhana Hoque said: "We are ready to deal with whatever Labour bosses throw at us. It’s sad that after thirteen years in power, they have nothing positive to offer."
Change worth voting for
After thirteen years, Islington and Finsbury has seen all Labour can offer. The worst recession in a generation. Sleaze and scandal at Westminster even worse than we saw under the last Conservative Government. A Labour Government that puts up taxes for low-paid workers and pensioners while letting top bankers pick up six-figure bonuses. lt‘s been a crushing disappointment for everyone. And all this backed by Labour MPs who were supposed to be on the side of ordinary people. This Thursday, Islington and Finsbury can get the change we need. With the Conservatives out of the race, only Bridget Fox's Lib Dems can beat Labour. With Bridget Fox as our new local MP, our area will at last have a local champion tighting for us in Parliament and delivering change.
A Labour MP who has failed us again and again
Gordon Brown‘s Islington MP has let local people down time and time again. She nearly always sides with Labour Party bosses in Westminster instead of being on local people’s side. Labour has doubled tax on the lowest-paid, closed 12 of Islington’s Post OHices and dragged us into the illegal Iraq war. It’s no wonder that local people have had enough and want a change. Don’t be conned by Labour Desperate Labour bosses facing defeat are turning nasty in order to try to save their skins, People should be on their guard for Labour lies, smears and scare tactics. It’s sad that after thirteen years in power, Labour has nothing positive left to offer.
OR Bridget Fox fighting for our local health services
Bridget Fox’s Lib Dems are leading the fight for our health services at Whittington Hospital and Finsbury Health Centre
Bridget Fox and the local Liberal Democrats are leading the tight to save our local health services at Whittington Hospital and Finsbury Health Centre. Just last month, thousands of local people joined Bridget and the Lib Dems to protest against Labour‘s local health cuts on a march to save the Whittington. Meanwhile, local people have been left shocked and angry after a Labour Minister said that closing A&E and maternity units at local hospitals was "the right thing to do," Only the Lib Dems can deliver real change Local resident [local lib dem candidate] Daniel Nicholls said: "It’s clear that Labour aren’t on the side of local people anymore. "If they were, they’d be putting a stop to these health closures. Like many other local people, I just feel totally let down by Labour?" The Conservatives don’t fair much better when it comes to our NHS either - top Conservatives have called for the NHS to be abolished altogether. Only the Lib Dems can offer the real change that Islington and Britain needs. A Lib Dem government would use savings in NHS admin to protect front line services. At the election this Thursday, local people will have a choice between local Lib Dem health campaigner Bridget Fox or Gordon Brown’s Labour MP who has let us down. Not other result is possible. Voting for the Conservatives just helps Labour hold on.
Nick Clegg: Lib Dems will deliver fairer taxes
Nick Clegg’s plans would see a Liberal Democrat Government scrap income tax on the first £10,000 that people earn. This would see most people save £700 a year and many people lifted out of paying any tax at all, These fully-costed plans would be paid for by closing tax-loopholes exploited by the very rich. Here in Islington, local Lib Dems on the Council have frozen the Council Tax to help local people through Labour’s recession. Local Lib Dem campaigner Adrian Hall said: "The Lib Dems on the Council understand that many people are struggling at the moment. Freezing the Council Tax is the best thing we can do to put more money in peoples` pockets? When Labour ran the Council, Islington residents paid the highest Council Tax in London. Just last year Islington Labour councillors forced through the highest Council Tax rise in inner London, At the election this Thursday, local people will have a choice between the local Lib Dems who want fairer taxes for all, or Labour who will hike up the Council Tax. The Conservatives don’t have a single councillor in Islington and can’t win here. Voting Conservative just helps Labour hold on. BEWARE When Labour bosses ran the Council, local people paid the highest Council Tax in London.
Lib Dem plan to give Iocal people priority for housing
Local Lib Dems have forced the Council to set aside more council housing for local young people. This new scheme has seen 150 young people - who were born in Islington or who have long connections with the area — housed thanks to extra housing points. Local councillor for Bunhill ward, Jyoti Vaja said: "Keeping families close together is really important in places like Islington, where our sense of community is really strong." Islington resident Barbara Coventry said: "Lib Dems on the Council have built the first new council houses in 10 years. This means that local youngsters have a much better chance of staying local and not being forced out of the area by high rental and house prices." At the election this Thursday. local people will have a choice between the local Lib Dems and Labour who have let us down. The Conservatives can‘t win here.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Tuesday, 04 May, 2010
- Region
- London
- Published by
- Liberal Democrats
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