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News from Islington Conservatives In St Mary’s Ward


The local elections on 6 May represent the best opportunity for change at the Town Hall in Islington in decades. Conservative candidates Richard Bunting, Victoria Lim and Simon Toms are committed to shaking up the cosy pact between Labour and the Lib Dems and fighting for better local services and value for money from the council. The Lib Dem-run council has run out of steam. At least one third of their current councillors are giving up rather than facing local voters on 6 May. Islington voters have already rejected Bridget Fox when she lost her council seat in 2006, Antonia Cox is the only Islington candidate for Parliament who can stop there being five more years of Gordon Brown. Don`t forget to add your voice to bring about change on 6th May by voting for Richard Bunting, Victoria Lim and Simon Toms for the Town Hall and Antonia Cox for Parliament.


Islington is a great place with its diversity, culture and community. There are however real challenges facing our borough, which require strong leadership from the Town Hall. We need a Council focussed on housing, education, supporting our elderly residents, and our next generation. Above all, ensuring good value for money for the local taxpayer. These elections represent the best chance to change the culture of wasteful spending at the Town Hall and to shake up Islington Council. For the first time in 20 years, the Conservatives are fielding candidates in all wards. In Islington, the battle of ideas and direction of our borough is between Labour and the Conservatives.

  1. CUT COUNCIL TAX BY £100 OVER 4 YEARS. We’ll reform Town Hall procurement, cut management and wasteful "comrnunications" allowances. We’ll also bring back the £20 direct-debit discount.

  2. SCRAP HFI AND GET A GRIP ON HOUSING REPAIRS. We’ll bring accountability and control back in house. Zero-tolerance approach on poor quality housing repairs. We’ll fight to cap all leasehold repairs at £10,000.

  3. PROVIDE TOWN HALL TRANSPARENCY. We’ll cut councillors’ allowances by 20%. We’ll also publish on-line salaries of council staff earning over £.60,000 and anything costing more than £25,000.

  4. TOUGH ON ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR. Proactive approach in tackling anti-social behaviour with more dispersal zones, alcohol control zones & temporary toilet facilities on Friday & Saturday nights on Upper Street.

  5. PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT- We’ll stop the green space sell-off for the building of rabbit-hutch flats. We’ll extend rubbish & recycle collections to improve borough re-cycling rates and to keep our streets clean.

  6. SORT OUT OUR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Radical reform of secondary education in the borough, giving people a real choice over their kids’ schooling. Parent power to drive up standards in Islington’s schools.

  7. SUPPORT YOUNG AND OLD- We’ll extend community centre provision, focusing on youth clubs and pensioner support.

Conservatives or Labour here : 2008 & 2009 elections Lib Dems were in 3rd place in Islington.

Leaflet details

Tuesday, 04 May, 2010
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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