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Look behind the door

It's Friday 7 May and a narrow election win has made David Cameron Prime Minister.

So straight away he gets to work on his Tory plans for Britain...

Child Trust Fund and Child Tax Credits - Scrapped He cuts Child Trust Funds and Child Tax Credits for millions of hardworking families

Schools and Police - Cut His plans to take billions of pounds out of the economy means immediate cuts to your schools and police

Future Jobs fund - scrapped He scraps a fund which supports 200,000 jobs

Cancer guarantee - scrapped He scraps your right to see a cancer specialist within two weeks if your doctor suspects you may have cancer

Jobs - at risk His plans for immediate cuts mean thousands of jobs go

Living standards - hit He hits every household with a £1,500 bill, just to pay for his election giveaways

And yet for the lucky few... he gives a £200,000 tax giveaway to each of the 3,000 richest estates in Britain

The Tories haven't changed. David Cameron and the Tory policies deliver for the privileged few not the many.

But it isn't Friday 7 May

You can stop this happening

Vote Labour on Thursday

Our economy is recovering. Now is not the time for a novice. Now is the time for help for families. Now is the time to protect jobs. Now is the time for experience. Now is the time to vote Labour. Britain is on the road to recovery. Don't let the Tories wreck it.

The Lib Dems may seem like a safe option in this election. But there are three important facts you should bear in mind before giving them your vote:

  1. They want an amnesty for illegal immigrants even though this could encourage more illegal immigration to the country
  2. They would cut Child Tax Credits and Child Trust Funds Like the Tories, the Lib Dems would cut Child Tax Credits and Child Trust Funds
  3. They would restrict the use of DNA evidence making it harder for police to catch and convict criminals

And if you Vote Lib Dem, you get Tory Lib Dem Leader, Nick Clegg, won't rule out backing the Tories in a hung parliament.

Leaflet details

Tuesday, 04 May, 2010
Published by
Labour Party

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