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The Trafford 60+ Action Group wish to provide a character reference for Mrs Susan Williams, the former leader of Trafford Council

When she came to power in 2004, one of her first acts was to revoke the free swimming and gym pass given to elderly residents in Trafford in 1986 by an earlier council. Until Susan's time each council — whatever their political persuasion — had honoured the pass. Her Conservative Council and the local Leisure Trust did not. They even turned down government money to reintroduce free swimming a few years ago. Now, thanks to Susan's record and that of her council chums older people here have to pay to swim when it's free everywhere else in Greater Manchester.

We tried to negotiate with her and her Executive found that they were not interested in the views of older people — we managed to get a meeting with Mrs Williams once, but she didn't keep to a follow up meeting she promised to attend. We don't Trust her or the Council she led for four years or so.

Mrs Williams and her Council are no stranger to cuts — and neither are elderly residents thanks to her record. I'm sure you might have heard about her jolly jaunt to the Lake District to dream up Council efficiencies. Trafford Council — has closed 6 older people's homes in recent years, increased charges for homecare and closed day centres.

Our group speaks out on any Council issues affecting the over 60s in Trafford. Our Group is not political — we're not anti Conservative and wish them and the other parties well in the elections. But we can't stand by and see Susan Williams get her feet under the table in Bolton West — we don't want you to get more than you bargained for and share in the misfortune of having her as your elected representative. A vote for Susan Williams is not in the interests of older people. Take our word for it. We've lived under her leadership of Trafford Council and we're worse off for it.

We cannot recommend this woman to be your Member of Parliament.

Best wishes,

Hilda Laffet Bert Steward David Longton

Trafford 60+ Action Group

Leaflet details

Friday, 30 Apr, 2010
North West
Published by
Labour Party

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