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independent's flyer

1 excellence generally- find the best dustbin man, the best illegal immigrant, the best civil servant- and give each one a medal. Obviously I'll get one for being the best MP! 2 sensible government by sensible people- well I'm an architect and we have to get things done. The current party system requires party candidates to vote on party lines much of the time- not to think for themselves. 3 independent MP's to back whichever Government policies are excellent and sensible- this party system has shown itself to be corrupt and encourages irresponsible activity by MPs. 4 a more equal society- tax the rich, not the poor- even higher taxes for the rich above a multiplier of the base rate- the multiplier dependent on what the Government needs to raise.
5 sort out the housing crisis- everyone needs a decent home in this climate. Especially people in Camden- which seems to suffer endless overcrowding and shortages. 6 an end to VAT on sanitary towels- these are not luxury items. Every woman needs these for much of her life.

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Thursday, 29 Apr, 2010

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