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Living locally and working hard for south west bedfordshire

3 Positive reasons to vote for Andrew Selous 1. Creating more local jobs I am working with our Councils, bussinesses and community groups to create more jobs locally and want to see an enterprise allowance sceme, and more apprenticeships, further education acollege places and work pairings. 2. Building the homes we need I want more affordable, eco-friendly homes on brown field sites backed by local support and suitable infrastructure and not unmanageable targets forcing us to build more than any other council in our region. 3. The best chance for all As a local school govenor I want all out children to have access to specialist teachers in well disciplined classrooms and Central Bedfordshire College to get the refurbishment it needs.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 29 Apr, 2010
East of England
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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