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Time for a green, fair society

The global economic collapse was the result of the misguided policies of generations of politicians.

The Green New Deal will invest in green technologies to create many thousands of new jobs as well as helping to combat the threat of climate change. There would also be investment in the public infrastructure such as hospitals and schools.

The Greens will tackle the root causes of crime such as poverty, lack of decent education, shortage of decent jobs, inequality, and a poor environment, as well as increasing community police services.

The Greens are opposed to further privatisation ofpublic servies and support accountability.

The Greens believe that there should be more social housing, using existing stock where possible, and in high environmental standards for new houses.

The Greens will work to provide a programme of free home insulation to reduce emissions and lessen fuel bills, as well as promoting grants for home energy generation technology.

The Greens will ensure that all schools and council offices provide vegetarian and vegan options for meals.

The Greens prioritise local community opinions in planning decision, not those of big business and developers.

The Greens will promote cycling by pushing for genuine, safe cycle lanes and paths.

MPs have lost touch with the rest of society. The Greens believe that the electoral system should reflect the wishes of the people using proportional representation and that there is no room for unelected chambers. The Greens are the only major party to refuse to take corporate donations.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 29 Apr, 2010
Published by
Green Party

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