VOTE UKIP - STEPHEN EVANS - Bury North Leaflet

SIDE1 Say No to mass immigration Say Yes to referendums on all major issues *Say No to wasting £45mn a day in Brussels Send the politicians a message...VOte UKIP Straight talking. Vote UKIP.
Side 2: Straight Talking. Vote UKIP Stephen Evans Bury North I have lived in Bury for 45 years and married 34 years with one son and three grandchildren and currently working in sales. * I believei n freedom of choice, education and legislation, the right for the British people to govern themselves, the return of common sense to Westminster that Britain comes first and a real justice system. We need to radically change the way this country is governed.
My local issues are A relaxation of th smoking ban toa llow pubs and clubs freedom of choice Major planning decisions involving public places, such as parks, should go to referendums.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Wednesday, 28 Apr, 2010
- Region
- North West
- Published by
- UK Independence Party (UKIP)
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