Vote Andy Large for jobs and prosperity in Stoke North
5 More Years of Gordon Brown or Change with the Conservatives
In just a few weeks we will have the most important election for a generation. Our economy is burdened by huge debts and millions are out of work. Our society is broken by crime and irresponsible behaviour. Our political system is in a mess. We can't go on like this.
A Conservative government will take bold action on all fronts. We'll cut Gordon Brown's waste and debt to get our economy working. We'll support families and back people who do the right thing to encourage responsibility in our society and we'll make sure pensioners are supported as well.
Getting Britain Working Backing the NHS Raising Standards in Schools Supporting Families
Regeneration is the key Safety and security are vital issues across our constituency Local public transport networks are patchy
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Tuesday, 27 Apr, 2010
- Region
- West Midlands
- Published by
- Conservative and Unionist Party
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