Judith Chisholm Benli

• Say NO to mass immigration • Say YES to referendums on all major issues • Say NO to wasting £45 million a day in Brussels SEND THE POLITICIANS A MESSAGE... VOTE UKIP PLEASE PLACE THIS LEAFLET IN YOUR WINDOW
Straight talking. Vote UKIP % IP Call free 0800 587 6 587 ukip.org Judith Chisholm Benli Walthamstow My main interest is in protecting the environment, both natural and built. Our precious urban green spaces provide leisure and recreational facilities for an ever-growing population and a habitat for flora and wildlife. Our remaining architectural heritage is a link with the past and our history. Both are essential for our and our children's physical and mental health, well-being and awareness.
Mylocal issues are • Walthamstow Greyhound Stadium should be bought back and re-opened. People need leisure and this is what the Greyhound Stadium provided in an enjoyable and unthreatening way. • With 100 different languages spoken in London schools, would campaign for every child starting school to speak English and for pre-school classes in English to be provided if necessary.
Please detach this coupon and enclose in an envelope on which you can write the Freepost address - no stamp required. Send to Freepost RLSU-HZBG-UBBG, UK Independence Party, PO Box 408, Newton Abbot TQ12 9BG. NAME.................................................................................................................................. ~~ \ ADDRESS ........................................................................................................................... UKIP ........................................................... POSTCODE............................................................. TEL(inc STD code) ............................. ................................................................................ I would like to deliver leaflets display a poster^ receive more information ^ PLEASE TICK (^) WHERE APPROPRIATE Published and promoted by Paul Nuttall on behalf of the United Kingdom Independence Party, Lexdrum House, Unit 1, King Charles Business Park, Heathfield, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6UT. Printed by Bishops Printer, Fitzherbert Road, Farlington, Portsmouth, Hampshire P06 1RU
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Monday, 26 Apr, 2010
- Region
- London
- Published by
- UK Independence Party (UKIP)
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