Your Local Lib Dems Fighting for change, fighting for fairness
It's a two horse race
Whatever happens nationally, the race in
Walthamstow isbetween the Lib Dems and Labour.
Help Nick Clegg's Lib Dems change Britain today
Real change for Walthamstow
Dear Resident, I am working closely with Tulat Raja, Samantha Syrus & Bob Wheatley to get a better deal for Walthamstow residents. I am fighting to protect local NHS services and protect Whipps Cross Hospital from further cuts. Walthamstow should be a Cleaner Safer place to live for all its residents. We need more police on our streets. it's time we got tough on fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour. We need real change in Walthamstow after 18 years of Labour neglect. Help bring real change for our area Best wishes, Farid Ahmed
Farid Ahmed and the local Lib Dems are fighting for real change in Walthamstow. The local Lib Dems are fighting Labour's health cuts and are fighting to protect vital local health services at Whipps Cross Hospital. The Liberal Democrats want to put 3,000 more police on our streets. Your local Lib Dem team are fighting for cleaner, safer streets in Walthamstow.
For too long Walthamstow has been neglected by Labour. It's time for real change. The choice in Walthamstow is between the local Lib Dem team or Gordon Brown's Labour party. The Conservatives are in a poor third place and can't win around here. Fighting to Protect our Local NHS Your.local Lib Dem Focus Team Tulat Raja, Samantha Syrus, Bob Wheatley and Farid Ahmed are working hard for you in William Morris all year round. Fighting for our local NHS services, more Police and Cleaner Safer Streets. Putting money back in your pocket The Lib Dem tax plan will mean that no one will pay tax on the first £10,000 they earn. Millions of low earners will pay no tax at all. Those earning over £10,000 a year will be £700 a year better off. Improving the services we all rely on Nothing matters more than protecting our vital public services. The Lib Dems will put 3,000 more police on patrol and cut waste in the NHS so that more can be spent on frontline services. Investing in our future Every child deserves a quality education and a clean environment to grow up. The Lib Dems will invest in our schools to cut class sizes, abolish university tuition fees and take real action on climate change.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Sunday, 25 Apr, 2010
- Region
- London
- Published by
- Liberal Democrats
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