Labour - the best choice for Beckenham and West Wickham
During difficult time we have to be careful to protect our economy. Labour has led the way in fighting this global recession and we shouldn't risk our recovery. Beckenham's schools, hospitals and police cannot afford a Tory government. Don't forget what happened last time. I will be fighting hard for all residents and not just the privileged few.
What I stand for
Securing our Economic Recovery Standing up for local people so that the economic recovery is secured and felt by all in Beckenham
Supporting local families Standing up for Sure Start children's centres, local schools and family tax credits
Cracking down on Crime Tough measures in the fight against anti-social behaviour to reduce crime in Beckenham
Championing our Elderly Protecting the Freedom Pass and ensuring our elderly residents have the care they need
More Opportunities for our Young People Helping all young people reach their potential and leaving no child behind
"Our investment in schools, health services, children centres and child care vouchers has shown our commitment to families. Don't let the Tories ruin it."
Labour's Achievements
New Health Services Health services across the country have been transformed and the new Beckenham Beacon hospital opened its doors last year
Combating Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Beckenham's Safer Neighbourhood Teams have helped reduce crime to its lowest levels in 40 years
Better schools All schools have received extra investment and school results across Beckenham have improved with more local children winning university places.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Saturday, 24 Apr, 2010
- Region
- London
- Published by
- Labour Party
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