The Green paper spring 2010

Vote Green for a fresh voice in politics [...] Cambridge is one of the constituencies where the Greens can win a Parliamentary seat [...]
Tony Juniper: an experienced and successful leader for positive change
City Council Election: May 6, 2010
A Positive Economy Recovery from the economic crisis offers an unprecedented opportunity for positive change [...] Green New Deal [...]
Vote Green for positive change - Building and supporting cohesive communities; Committed action on climate change; Increasing pensions to £170 per week; Scrapping tuition fees; Real investment in education; Cheaper, better trains and buses; Investing in the NHS; No cuts to public services
Greens Invest in Education - The Green Party is committed to education as a life-long process.
There's Nowhere to Live! - Housing in Cambridge is at a crisis point.
Sustainable Transport Solutions: Cambridge to Oxford Rail-link
Supporting Health - The biggest risk to health in Britain is being poor, and spending on health means setting priorities.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Friday, 23 Apr, 2010
- Region
- East of England
- Published by
- Green Party
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