A future fair for all

For the 25 years that I have lived here with my family there has never been a more crucial time to vote Labour. Our policies will see us grow out of recession 'whilst safeguarding public services and jobs. The financial crisis, climate change and global poverty, are but three of the challenges we face. This is not the time for savage cuts. It is not acceptable to abandon the economy to the slash and burn tactics of Cameron and co which will put recovery at risk, sending us into depression. We need a new international settlement, built on Co-operative principles, to create a new world economy for the long term benefit of us all, rather than a short term profit for the few. The Labour and Co-operative Parties will lead the way with progressive policies for equality and fairness for all.
Where We Live We can see new and refurbished schools, hospitals and family centres around us that are now fit for purpose. We need more affordable housing across the patch and investment for greater fairness by accelerating the increase in the minimum wage (now £5.80) and the 'Robin Hood' tax on bankers, that would give billions to tackle poverty and climate change here and abroad. We now have a dedicated police team for each neighbourhood and a Cancer Guarantee to see a specialist in 1 week with free personal care at home for those with the highest needs.
We need to take full advantage of Labour's investment in Green Technology to create more jobs here, consolidate improvement in our excellent schools and deliver 1 to 1 tuition for children who need it, with a right to a sixth form, college or apprenticeship place for school leavers.
I will strive to give you the best possible service; after all, it's what you expect and deserve.
My pledges to you
STRIVING FOR GREATER EQUALITY Greater income equality will help to create a more cohesive co-operative community to benefit everyone.
SUPPORTING LABOUR'S GREEN AGENDA Climate change is happening. Global issues need global action and renewable resources make most sense.
ENSURING HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE NHS a pillar of our welfare state; to be joined by the National Care Service.
PROMOTING LIFELONG EDUCATION &TRAINING Gaining knowledge and understanding to achieve our potential as individuals and a community.
CREATING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Affordable housing, tackling crime and disorder, securing rural services and promoting culture,sport and leisure.
Fighting back against recession ~ Protecting homes, jobs and businesses The rate of unemployment, business failures and home repossessions have been a lot lower than in the 1990s Tory recession.
~ Families are the heart of strong communities Best start for children; 42,000 more teachers and the working family tax credit.
~ Protecting the NHS 89,000 more nurses, 44,000 doctors than 1997; waiting lists are at lowest ever; most GPs offer extended opening hours.
~ Cutting crime; tackling antisocial behaviour Crime's fallen over a third since 1997, violent crime is down by 41 %, murder rate at 20 year low.
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Friday, 23 Apr, 2010
- Region
- South West
- Published by
- Labour Party
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