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Vote Peter Roberts for North East Cambridgeshire

About Peter Roberts...

Peter Roberts' Constituency Pledges [public services; Fens transport networks; secondary school rebuilding] Peter Roberts' Integrity Pledges [expenses, voluntary reduction of own wages] Peter Roberts' Contact Pledges [surgeries, call/mail responses, constituents' access to his diary]

What are the real policies benefiting the people of North East Cambridgeshire that Peter Roberts supported, but the Tory candidate opposed? [minimum wage, pensioners' free swimming, Winter Fuel Allowance, over-75s' free TV licences, schools rebuilding, New Deal Work Scheme, Sure Start]

You have 3 Tory MEPs 13 Tory County Councillors and over 40 district councillors - That's a lot of Tories doing almost nothing for the people of North East Cambridgeshire - Our local democracy needs proper checks & balances The Lib Dems CANNOT win here

Leaflet details

Wednesday, 21 Apr, 2010
East of England
Published by
Labour Party

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