INTRODUCING DAVID YOUNG DAVTD YOUNG is the GREEN PARTY candidate For Bracknell. He has done a lot of different volunty work since his family moved to Bracknell in 1982. His last Job before retirement was as a company secrety. His wife Pauline worked for FuJitsu/ICL for 25 years. Between 1982 and their sons Chris and Alex went to Birch Hill and Easthampstead Park Schools and then on to Oxford University.
David is angry about the lack of morality of many British politicians, If elected, he will donate his pay to local charities and merely seek a refund of his expenses. 9 Haywood, Braclcnell does not have a moat, The family supports Reading Football Club. David, 65, keeps fit by Jogging (his 2009 Bracknell Half Marathon time was 134 minutes).
David knows that the cost of energy in homes is wrong. There is often a standing charge, a high rate for some usage and a lower rate for the rest. The reverse is fairer: no standing charge, cheap essential needs and a much higher charge for those wasting irreplaceable resources.
He supports local businesses and public transport but detests the greedy bankers. He regrets the missed opportunities of Labour's last 13 years and that the Tories exist to make the rich richer and the rest of us poorer. The Liberal Democrats will not form a Government and thus can make silly "promises". They have an awful NIMBY record on the environment where their actions (e.g. in opposing both on-shore wind turbines and congestion charges) are the very opposite of Green Pafty policies, To UKIP and BNP he says there are many urgent problems that world leaders must solve together. Tndependence won't work. To survive, we need friends. The fawed EU must be fixed from within.
Vote David YOUNG Green Party X
Leaflet details
- Uploaded
- Monday, 19 Apr, 2010
- Region
- South East
- Published by
- Green Party
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