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Chris Briton - Green Party

Green MPs will flght for real change in 7 key ways by: 1. Protecting the NHS so it benefits patients, not profiteering businesses. Green MPs will oppose cuts, closures and the privatisation of the NHS 2. Cutting unemployment by creating one million jobs. Greens are proposing a major initiative to improve public transport and provide free insulation in every UK home - which could save each family around £150 a year in fuel bills. 3. Providing fair pensions and free social core for older people. Greens in Parliament will fight for a decent basic pension for all and free care and support for older people. 4. Protecting low-paid workers. Greens will push for a 'living wage' - to ensure low-income workers earn enough to provide for themselves and their families. And we will push to control over high pay. 5. Giving every child the best possible chance in life. Greens will press for schools to be properly funded and accountable to parents and local authorities. 6. Calling for the cancellation of the planned Trident replacement, ID Cards and New labour's intrusive schemes which will waste billions of public money 7. Pressing for a global initiative to tackle climate change. Greens will want a fair, ambitious and legally binding agreement to cut carbon emissions.

Real change locally We will: Support local businesses rather than large chains as they preserve a lively shopping environment

Campaign for more allotments to help residents grow their own food

Push for improved public transport particularly in rural areas, to help reduce number of car journeys

Encourage green travel by supporting the creation of more cycle routes and improving footpaths

Always aim to use renewable energy sources whenever possible

Oppose developments that are unproven and potentially harmful to the environment and the community, such as the Haybridge"lncinerator" (pyrolysis plant)

Leaflet details

Sunday, 18 Apr, 2010
South West
Published by
Green Party

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