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Five More Years of Gordon Brown or Change with the Conservatives

Stopping workplace parking tax. Combat corruption in city housing allocation. Protect Stonebridge City Farm. Joined fight to save Carrington Post Office. Save Victoria Leisure Centre. Solve traffic problems. Abolish taxes on first 10 jobs in new business, promote green jobs, help people into work. Backing NHS is number one priority. Raising standards in schools: smaller schools, smaller classes, good behaviour, great teachers, restored confidence in curriculum. Supporting families: extra health visitors, extended flexible working, improved parental leave, new schools.
In just a few weeks we will have the most important election for a generation. Our economy is burdened by huge debts and millions are out of work. Our society is broken by crime and irresponsible behaviour. Our political system is in a mess. We can't go on like this. A Conservative government will take bold action on all fronts. We'll cut Gordon Brown's waste and debt to get our economy moving. We'll support families and back people who do the right thing to encourage responsibility in our society and we'll make sure pensioners are supported as well.
And we need big changes in our political system too. We've led the way on cleaning up MPs' expenses and we'll finish the job by scrapping the perks and cutting the cost of Parliament. Most importantly, we'll take power away from the political elite to give you more control over your life.
So that's the choice at this election: five more years of Gordon Brown's tired government making things worse or the change this country needs with the Conservatives.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 15 Apr, 2010
East Midlands
Published by
Conservative and Unionist Party

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