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Residents' Association of Barnet

Vote for local people who care about and will fight for your community.

We will fight for: - What local people in New and East Barnet genuinely want – not a remote party agenda. - Stricter financial control over the way the Council spends our money. - Greater accountability and transparency in the way the Council is run. - The maintenance and enhancement of the pleasant residential nature of our area. - Oppose inappropriate and unpopular developments that are out of character with the area.

Our Concerns and Policies - We will oppose unpopular and high density developments that threaten our quality of life. - Where new homes are built, we believe this should be in the form of family houses, not just flats. - We oppose the Council’s plans to encourage more flats to be built along East Barnet Road. - We oppose superstore developments that will attract unnecessary traffic and undermine existing independent shops in East Barnet and the wider area.
- We will press the Council to improve the existing infrastructure and appearance of the area. - We will actively encourage much better consultation between the Council and the community. - We will fight for better leisure facilities, accessible to everyone. - We will fight to maintain sheltered housing wardens. - We will seek fair compensation for all victims of the Christmas gas crisis. - We will act in the best interests of the community - full stop.

We can make a difference and a vote for us sends a very clear signal to the Council that you want change.

Leaflet details

Thursday, 15 Apr, 2010

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